Hidden Dangers if You Don't Treat Varicose Veins
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We know varicose veins can be unsightly for many of those who suffer from them. You may become shy and not be comfortable for others to see them. What you may not know is that those bulging veins could actually be more than just a cosmetic issue.
Varicose Veins Might Not Only a Beauty Difficulty
Varicose veins are twisted, all-enlarged veins you can see right under the skin. They usually appear on the legs and affect up to 30% of people on the flip side, they can easily be purely cosmetic and boy are spider veins common.
Spider veins: Milder than varicose veins, spider vein look like a red or blue web under your skin. The only significant difference between varicose veins and spider veins is that the former have far more potential to cause health issues. But of course, if you are experiencing pain from your varicose veins– it is important to not ignore them.
When the one-way valves in veins, which help control blood flow and keep it from flowing backward close to the surface of your skin become weak or damaged leakage may occur with blood puddling inside your varicose veins. The walls of the vein may instead become weak or, for other reasons not yet fully explained by scientific knowledge, unable to literately withstand that increase in blood. These processes are believed to cause dilation and tortuosity of the veins that finally produces varicose vein.
Varicose veins can substantially affect quality of life, and as many as 70% may have related leg symptoms in addition to appearances. Varicose veins pain should not be ignored.
What You Can Miss by Ignoring Painful Varicose Veins
Find out the Dangers Leftover Varicose Veins can pose to Your Health.
Varicose veins that are visibly painful can be an indication of issues such as a blood clot, open sore or skin infection. If a varicose vein is causing or has caused pain, that may portend more serious types of things happening and you should see your doctor.
Over time, painful varicose veins can become even more inflamed and new complications may set in as a result. Dangers to Watch For If You Ignore Varicose Veins
1. Changes in Skin
When left untreated, skin near a varicose vein becomes “Shiny,” Waxy and thin in appearance/discoloured which almost looks like bruise on the surface. Maven medical center is best for Varicose Veins Treatment in Hyderabad it gets worse and deeper over time. Just a small knock can damage the skin surround a varicose vein. Typically, it causes significant bruising.
Though not life-threatening, this is considered a highly inconvenient symptom of skin care was slashed. Skin eruptions from a varicose vein can become infected if not managed adequately.
2. Itching
Nerve Endings: It is a common symptom of untreated varicose veins that you experience an “itching” type sensation. If varicose veins are hard to spot, this is often chalked up to dry skin. This is one of the most common symptoms on this list, and may be helped with over-the-counter skin salves or ointments. It is essential to consult a specialist so that serious things do not happen under the skin.
3. Swelling
There are problems with varicose veins that can be far more serious than what you see. Do not think they are easy-to- see tiny blebs of veins. They are there for a reason. When the valves that keep blood from flowing backwards through your leg veins are damaged, they allow some of that blood to pool in your legs. This causes dilatation of the portions of veins into which blood is not flowing.
Although varicose veins can be detected even on the outside of one's body and may never cause any physical discomfort, some people will suffer varying degrees of leg swelling, cramps or restlessness, with night-time burning sensations.
4. Pain and Cramping
As these varicose veins disrupt the normal flow of blood and oxygen that is transported through our body, mineral deficiencies occur while muscle cramps are produced from a little distance to where they have developed. These cramps can be excruciatingly painful and at times they are so bad that I cannot move.
5. Bleeding
These veins are close to the skin which allows for bleeding. Generally, this does not represent a major health risk but veins should be checked and treated to prevent recurrence. Sometimes, bleeding can be heavy. Medicine should be consulted before taking in case of bleeding.
6. Ulcers from Ignored Spider Veins
Ulcers over the legs could be due to venous disease as well. An aperture is an opening in the skin, which when unguarded can form a source of bacteria entry leading to contaminations and infection. Mayo Clinic states that these ulcers develop when there is long-term fluid in the tissues surrounding the varicose veins, produced by “the pressure of blood within the affected veins”. Ulcers are those slow-healing, painful open wounds that may develop by injuring your skin just over a varicose vein.
Leg ulcers are at risk of infection, which can be serious and may cause more severe health issues. When an ulcer is present, treating the varicose vein and territory of venous disease are crucial as about 80% will not heal while there remains a faulty vein. These types of leg ulcers may take a very long time to heal and frequently require the care of someone who specializes in wound healing. This can be prevented by carrying out the varicose veins laser treatment or surgical treatment that eliminates those veins before ulcers develop.
7. Superficial Thrombophlebitis
This happens when a blood clot develops in a vein just beneath the skin, causing it to expand and grow into contact with your epidermal layer of your skin which will then be visible. Having a cough is an annoyance but it can also cause further issues since the vein becomes more fragile, which increases its chances of being hurt or inflamed.
8. DVT (Blood Clots in Your Veins)
In individuals with varicose veins, blood in the veins is not allowed to cycle back through and stays inside your body. This creates what is known as “pooling of blood. When a blood clot forms in deep veins, it is called Deep Vein Thrombosis. Because superficial veins are not at risk for deep vein thrombosis... many times those who suffer discomfort from varicose veins will never know that what may be hurting them could actually involve something deeper.
Superficial vein blood clots are usually not a serious health issue; however, deep-vein clots can break free and travel through the bloodstream to your lungs - possibly causing life-threatening complications. This is one of the most severe health problems brought on by varicose veins that are left unattended.
9. Lipodermatosclerosis
Yes, varicose veins may be a sign of something much larger which is why getting them checked out at the MD and having an ultrasound done are critical. As an example, a key symptom for a type of illness known as Lipodermatosclerosis are varicose veins. According to the National Institute of Health, this disease leads those who suffer from it with “pain, hardening of skin, change in skin color, swelling and tapering of legs above the ankles. In more serious cases, surgery may be required and beginning the recommended treatment to management symptoms is critical.
Don’t Ignore Unsightly Veins
Although many ugly veins turn out to be just skin-deep, there are downsides when you pass on treatment. Check those veins - even if they are not causing you any pain today, because sooner or later it will lead to a lot of unnecessary stress and serious health issues.
Book an appointment today at Maven Medical Center specializing in the treatment and care of varicose vein disease, & venous insufficiency.
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