How To Cure Fistula Permanently At Home
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Home Remedies to Cure Fistula Forever: Wonderful Natural Tips
Anal fistula is a small tract which may form between the tail end of the large bowel and the skin adjacent to the anus. Generally, it occurs due to an infection in the glands around the anus which forms an abscess. Although the common treatment offered for such condition is surgery, most of us look for home remedies to treat fistula and are in search of ways on how to cure fistula permenently at home. The following write up is a complete guide to set you in the right track on how to cure fistula permanently at home through natural remedies and alterations in life style.
Anal Fistula
What is an Anal Fistula? A painful condition marked by the presence of a communication between the inside of the anal canal and the skin adjacent to the anus is known as anal fistula. Pain, swelling and discharge are common symptoms of this condition.
Causes and Risk Factors
Long standing inflammation
Crohn’s disease
Home Remedies to Cure Fistula Forever
1. Warm Sitz Baths Sitz baths help to alleviate pain and inflammation. Immerse the affected region in warm water for about 15-20 minutes few times a day.
Take a bowl full of warm water.
Sit in the water making the affected area to be under the water.
Repeat 2-3 times in a day.
2. Turmeric Turmeric possesses natural anti inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics which aid in controlling infection and inflammation.
Add 1 teaspoonful of turmeric powder in warm water and make a paste.
Apply this paste on the affected region.
Leave for 20-30 minutes and then wash.
Repeat twice in a day.
3. Aloe Vera Aloe vera contains soothing and healing properties.
Squeeze the fresh gel from the aloe vera leaf.
Apply the gel directly on the fistula.
Leave for 20-30 minutes and then wash.
Apply this remedy twice in a day.
4. Garlic Garlic possesses natural antibiotic properties which aid in eradicating the infection.
Mash up a few garlic cloves to make a paste.
Apply the paste on the fistula.
Leave for 15-20 minutes and then wash.
Repeat daily.
5. Coconut Oil Coconut oil alleviates inflammation and heals.
Apply virgin coconut oil directly on the affected area.
Massage for a few minutes.
Repeat few times in a day.
Dietary Modifications
1. High-Fiber Diet A dietary regimen rich in fiber helps to prevent constipation and facilitates easy passage of stool thereby minimizing pressure around the fistula.
Whole grains
2. Keep Yourself Well Hydrated Drink ample amount of water to avoid hard stools which upon passing exerts less pressure on the fistula.
Lifestyle Alterations
1. Maintain Proper Hygiene The anal region should be kept clean and dry.
Gentle washing with warm water after passing stool is a must.
Avoid use of soaps or chemicals.
2. Regular Exercise Exercise facilitates to enhance overall health and also prevents constipation.
Activities to be preferred:
When to Consult a Doctor?
These home remedies certainly subdue the symptoms but it becomes imperative to consult a doctor if:
Symptoms are aggravating
Severe pain or swelling is experienced
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