Understanding the Effects of Circumcision: Does It Really Increase Size?

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Circumcision is a popular kind of medical surgery that cuts the foreskin on the penis. It is typically carried out for religious, cultural or medical reasons and in many instances the procedure has been shrouded behind myths. One such myth is that one can increase their penis size through circumcision. But is that true? Today, we break down the science of circumcision's influence on penis size to separate truth from myth.

Understanding Circumcision

Today it is performed on perhaps 50% of newborns, and in older life can be completed when needed for medical or personal reasons. It is the surgical removal of the foreskin, which is a fold of skin that can be retracted to reveal and cover the head. In the hands of a doctor trained to perform it, though, it's actually quite simple and safe.

Circumcision is performed for many different reasons such as…

Religious or Cultural: In many cultures and religions Circumcision is a rite of passage or mandatory.

- Cleanliness: Although not religious in nature, many believe circumcision contributes to an easier-to-clean penis; however proper hygiene can be achieved regardless of whether your baby boy undergoes the procedure.

Medical Reasons A doctor could advise circumcision in these cases: - If the foreskin is very tight and cannot be retracted (pulled back) over the head of the penis, a condition called phimosis or if recurrent infections occur.

The Myth: Bigger is Better, Right?

The well worn but definitely not truthful myth that circumcision makes a penis bigger This myth is almost certainly the result of confusion about what occurs during a circumcision and subsequent misunderstanding that this changes how the penis looks.

Reality: Penis does not actually grow or increase in size due to circumcision. While the removal of a foreskin may make it appear as if their penis head is more noticeable, that's only an illusion. Circumcision has no effect on the overall size of a penis when aroused with only slight variable differences that do not fall outside natural potential.

Here’s why:

Anatomy: The foreskin is a distinct structure from the penile shaft and head. There is not an organised structure or physical part of the penis and removal does not change anatomical inner design.

Migration 1 by deceptive means of false appearance -- after all, circumcision reveals the penis head and looks larger; This is just a result of the appearance, as there is no real change to their size.

Many Factors That Influence Penis Size

The fact that penis size is established by genetics and hormonal influences during development. Circumcision, performed either as an infant or a mature man has no bearing on these issues. Penis size is determined in puberty and cannot be increased externally by a surgical intervention.

It is critical to understand penis size may differ greatly from one man to the next, and that there are many factors—body fat percentages, erection quality or health issues—which can affect how big your friend downstairs appears to be. However, these differences are without meaning and circumcision does not have an impact in causing them.

The Psychological Aspect

There is some anecdotal evidence that circumcision, in and of itself, does not actually increase the size (or visible length) or girth (about circumference), but I think it's a bit more than these physical properties. Some people might believe that a circumcised penis looks better, meaning they feel more self-assured about their dickles (disciples?) size or aesthetics. Just because it may feel like you're less out here getting looks, doesn't mean you actually shrank.

Pros and Cons of Circumcision

Circumcision will not actually make a penis bigger, but it does have other advantages and disadvantages to weigh.

Potential Benefits:

LESS FREQUENT INFECTION: Circumcision reduces the risk of urinary tract infections and some sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Prevention of Medical Conditions – Circumcision can help avoid circumstances such as phimosis, paraphimosis (inability to draw the foreskin back over the head of penis) and balanitis(columns on glans).

Fewer Hygiene Issues: The average man must tend to his body in order to keep the groin area clean and dry, but many find it easier when they're not cleaning inside a foreskin. (Though all typical hygiene is in fact possible with an intact penis.).

Potential Risks:

Pain and Discomfort : Even with proper care, circumcision can be painful for the baby ( you are making a cut after all).

Complications: Infections, excessive bleeding or improper healing are possible.

Diminished Sensitivity: A few men claim that they notice lesser sensitivity around their penises after circumcision, even if researches are unclear on this factor.


This myth is officially confirmed false as there has never been any scientific evidence that supports circumcision can size up the penis. This surgery does not change the actual size of penis, but affects its appearance by partially revealing the head. People need to be aware of the truth about circumcision, so that they can use accurate information when making decisions.

If you are thinking about circumcision for yourself or your child, be sure to talk with a healthcare provider so that you can make an informed decision. Knowing the truth can result in making a choice for our health and well-being.

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