Benefits of Compression Stockings in Varicose Veins

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Varicose veins are not only unattractive but also downright painful most of the times. Venous insufficiency is an underlying condition causing varicose veins. The veins in the lower leg become enlarged and damaged causing the blood in them to reflux back into the vessel rather than moving up in a single direction towards the heart.

Compression stockings are sock like garments that offer gradient pressure to facilitate healthy blood flow in leg veins. They are tighter around the foot and the compression gets loosened as they move up the legs. They are designed to help let veins push blood back up to the heart.

Benefits of Compression Stockings in Varicose Veins

There are several benefits of using compression stockings in varicose veins. Compression stockings help to reduce swelling and promote healing. They also improve blood flow and circulation, which can help to reduce the inflammation and pain associated with varicose veins. Finally, compression stockings can help to reduce the appearance of varicose veins, which can give you a more confident appearance.

Benefits of compression stockings:-

  • They relieve symptoms of pain and swelling caused by varicose veins.
  • They support blood flow and decrease pressure in the veins.
  • They prevent worsening of varicose veins over time.
  • Compression is necessary after procedures like EVLA and Foam Sclerotherapy to stimulate blood flow and ensure best results.

Compression Stockings for Varicose Veins

However, venous insufficiency causes permanent damage to the vein which cannot be reversed by wearing compression stockings. Hence, better treatment options would be EVLA or MWA which can treat varicose veins more effectively.

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