Breast Cancer Screening

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What to know about breast cancer screening and prevention

There are several methods of breast cancer screening, including self-breast examination, clinical breast examination, and mammography. Women should learn about all of these methods so that they can be as informed as possible about breast cancer prevention and detection. Self-breast examination and clinical breast examination are both important for women to do on a regular basis so that they can check for any changes in their breasts. Mammography is also an important tool for detecting breast cancer, and women should know what to expect when they have a mammogram. By familiarizing themselves with all of these methods of breast cancer screening, women can be more proactive in protecting their health.

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Methods of breast cancer screening

  • Self-breast examination.

  • Clinical breast examination.

  • Screening Mammography.

Recommendations for screening

Age 25-39 years

Age 40-49 years

Above 55 Years

 Regular self-breast examination

Clinical breast examination annually

Screening Mammography every 2 years with an option to continue annual screening.

Clinical breast examination every 1- 3 Years.

Annual Screening Mammography


Don’t hesitate to call your doctor if you’ve noticed a lump or any other breast change that is new and worrisome. It is always recommended to get help as early as possible.

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  • Mon-Sat 09:00 - 19:00
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  • Phone:   +91 8121 200 400
    +91 8121 800 400